Performance Pieces

1001 nights
I was privileged to be part of Barbara Campbells’ durational performance, 1001 Nights Cast.
Campbell began this performance to honour her husband who died in a horrific accident. Like Shahrazad, in the original tale, each night for 1001 nights a new story was told. Each morning a writer from somewhere around the globe was given a three-word prompt taken from that days newspaper about an event in the Middle East. Yhe writer had only a few hours to compose a story using these words. It could be no longer than 1001 words. At sunset the story was spoken. A mouth with a pierced tongue spoke the story in real time at sunset to a select audience only once. They remain in text form on the story website as ghosts of their one-time voicing.
Stories authored by Carol Major are:
Big block letters:
The thinnest skin:
A willing hostess:
Hovering over unease:
Death’s necessities: